You might not think about it each time that you slide behind the steering wheel of your car, but the choices you make while driving (and even while parking) can greatly influence the rate that you pay for your auto insurance. Sure, you know that accidents and tickets can cause your rate to climb the next time it renews, but there's more to think about. By adopting some conscious habits, you'll be reducing your likelihood of having to make a claim that ends up increasing your rate. Keep these three ideas in mind and you'll be pleased to know that you'll be helping to keep your rate low.
Park Securely
Whether you're out and about or pulling into your own driveway, it's important to keep the security of your vehicle in mind regarding your parking situation. Many drivers opt for convenience rather than security and end up having to deal with a vehicle break-in that prevents their insurance rate from dropping. At home, keep your vehicle in your locked garage as much as possible. When away from home, try to find secured garages or, at the very least, lots with video surveillance to dissuade those who might wish to break in. Parking in covered areas is about more than just theft avoidance; if you live in an area with frequent hailstorms, covered parking can save you from having to make an insurance claim for a damaged vehicle that raises your rate.
Maintain Your Tires
Drivers who are vigilant about maintaining their tires are safer on the road, which means that take a couple simple steps can reduce your risk of being in an accident that will raise your rate. Maintain your tires by keeping them properly inflated; when inflated correctly, you'll have improved braking and steering response. You can find the correct inflation amount in your owner's manual. Additionally, inspect the treads periodically to note if the depth is adequate. If the tread-wear indicators have worn off, it's time to get the tires replaced. Tires with healthy treads allow you to control your vehicle more effectively to avoid hazards and stop quickly.
Avoid Accident-Prone Areas
Searching online can reveal maps that show accident-prone parts of your city and streets on which fender-benders are common. By familiarizing yourself with this information, you can make a point of altering your driving routes, where possible, to avoid being in these areas that can quickly result in damage to your vehicle and a higher insurance rate. Being accident-free is one of the best ways to keep your auto insurance rate favorable and staying away from problematic areas is a simple way to reduce your chance of being in an accident.
Share18 January 2016
When I got married, I knew that there were a few things that I needed to learn about the way the world worked. For starters, I had to figure out how insurance worked since I wanted to make the most of my life without worrying about money. I started focusing on the policies that I had in place and gradually moved towards acquiring new life insurance and the like. Having each of these coverages helped give both me and my spouse peace of mind. We both knew if something happened to me that the other would be okay. Check out this blog to learn more about insurance needs.