Recalls: Why You Need To Take Action

Insurance Blog

If you are like many drivers, you have received an automobile recall notice in the mail, filed it, and forgotten it. In some instances, you may have received several of these letters and never gotten around to taking care of the issue. You plan to someday, but that day never comes. Unfortunately, ignoring these issues can have negative physical and financial effects on your life.


The most obvious danger from driving a recalled vehicle is physical injury due to vehicle failure. Even a faulty hood latch can cause a collision if it fails while you are driving down the freeway. If you have issues with your fuel tank or brake system, driving your vehicle at all is too dangerous, but some people do so simply because they do not want the inconvenience of a dealership repair appointment. This negligence can be dangerous for you and other drivers on the road, causing totally unnecessary accidents.


Recalls can affect your insurance under certain circumstances. Just having a recall issued by the manufacturer will not increase your premiums, but being in an accident because you ignored a recall might affect your rates. Also, when you buy a new or used vehicle, its history of recalls might be an issue. Experts recommend that after you seek repairs that you send a copy of the paperwork to your insurance company just to forestall any possible problems. To learn more, contact an insurance agency like Germain Insurance Agency


If you have lost track of any recall notices or you simply aren't certain if you've ever received one, you have several options. You can search online at the manufacturer's site or at government sites that list vehicle recalls. Also, you can simply call your car dealership. They can look up your records and tell you exactly what needs to be fixed on your car or truck. Fortunately, you are not charged for these repairs since they are a result of a manufacturing defect. The dealership will take care of them and send you on your way.

You should never ignore a recall notice, even if the issue seems trivial to you. The smallest things can make your vehicle dangerous to drive. Your insurance rates can actually rise due to recalls and the resale value of your vehicle may be lowered.Ignoring a recall notice is simply a foolish thing to do. To avoid problems, check today to see if you need to comply with a recall notice. 


28 July 2016

Understanding Insurance Policies

When I got married, I knew that there were a few things that I needed to learn about the way the world worked. For starters, I had to figure out how insurance worked since I wanted to make the most of my life without worrying about money. I started focusing on the policies that I had in place and gradually moved towards acquiring new life insurance and the like. Having each of these coverages helped give both me and my spouse peace of mind. We both knew if something happened to me that the other would be okay. Check out this blog to learn more about insurance needs.