3 Original Ways To Reduce Your Auto Insurance Premium

Insurance Blog

Paying your auto insurance premium can really be a drag on your budget. Here are three original ways that you can help lower your overall insurance premium. Every dollar that you can get your insurance premium lowered is a dollar that you can use for other things in your life.

#1 Etch Your VIN Number Into Multiple Locations

Generally, your VIN number is located in at least one spot on your vehicle that is easily accessible, such as below your windshield. Your VIN number is what makes it difficult for a thief to pass off your vehicle as their own if they steal it. Thieves tend to try to scratch off or remove the VIN number from your vehicle when they steal it. When you etch your VIN number into additional locations on your vehicle, you increase the security of your vehicle and make it less likely that a thief could get away with stealing your vehicle, which is a valuable tool, especially if you live somewhere with high rates of theft.

The best place to add your VIN number is to have it etched into your windows on your vehicle. Most thieves are not going to want to invest in replacing all the windows in a vehicle just to make a few bucks off of it. You can also etch it inside your car frame where the door meets the frame of your vehicle. The more places your VIN number is etched, the harder it will be for someone to pass off your vehicle as their own.

This is also a great tool for reducing your insurance. Let your insurance agent know that you have taken this additional security step, and you may be rewarded with a discount on your premium.

#2 Use Your Professional Memberships

If you belong to any professional organizations, such as a Greek organization that you joined in college, the credit union you belong to, or a worker's union that you joined during your professional career, be sure to share that information with your insurance agent.

One of the many perks of being a member of professional organizations is that you get to save on everyday adult experiences, such as your car insurance. Have your agent run the groups that you belong to through their system; you may be able to qualify for a discount on your insurance that you were not even aware of. Alternatively, you can call up the organizations that you hold memberships in and find out from them if they work with any auto insurance companies and have secured any discount for members.

#3 Throw Around Your Education & Job Title

Finally, keep in mind that insurance agencies really do take into consideration as many facets of your life as possible when creating a custom car insurance quote for you. If you have education beyond high school, be sure to let your insurance agent know. Often times, having a higher level of education can help you qualify for slightly lower rates.

You may also want to mention your job. If you work in a low-risk occupation, such as an office job, you may be able to get a lower insurance rate based on the insurance company's algorithms. If you work in a public service job, such as the police force, or are a military member, you may also qualify for additional discounts. 


16 September 2016

Understanding Insurance Policies

When I got married, I knew that there were a few things that I needed to learn about the way the world worked. For starters, I had to figure out how insurance worked since I wanted to make the most of my life without worrying about money. I started focusing on the policies that I had in place and gradually moved towards acquiring new life insurance and the like. Having each of these coverages helped give both me and my spouse peace of mind. We both knew if something happened to me that the other would be okay. Check out this blog to learn more about insurance needs.