If you have been using your local insurance agent for all your policies because you want to help them out, but you've never taken the time to shop around for local insurance prices, it's time to see what you could be saving. The amount you could be saving could go into your retirement account, a college fun for your kids, or even just to add an extra date night on the calendar. Here are some of the things you want to do.
Look for New Member Discounts
There are insurance companies that will give you discounts just for making the switch to their company, and for taking out a policy. Look for these companies and see if you can save a large percent, and how long you will get the discount. If you can get that rate forever, or for more than just the first year, it may be worth switching your carrier and saving the cash.
Research Discounts You Could be Missing
You may be missing out on discounts you don't know about, or discounts that you're eligible because of a change in your residence. If you haven't had an accident or moving violation in years, you've never been late on a payment, or if you live in an area with low crime and keep your vehicle in a covered shelter, see if you can get discounts for these different things.
Price Check and Negotiate
You may find different pricing with several companies. If one company is offering you a low auto insurance rate, but another a low homeowners insurance rate, you should let the companies know what price they are competing against. A sales associate may be willing to lower a commission, or the company may match their competitor to get you to open new policies with them.
It's important to save money wherever you can, and if you have been using the same insurance agent who hasn't changed the cost of your policy, or has only increased your policies over the last few years, it's time to search your options and find out if you could be saving. You have to make changes to see changes, even when it comes to insurance and pricing. Taking the time to look around isn't going to be a waste, and you can invest that money you save, or use it for other things to help make life easier in other ways.
To learn more, contact insurance companies like Northeast Insurance Agency.
Share23 January 2017
When I got married, I knew that there were a few things that I needed to learn about the way the world worked. For starters, I had to figure out how insurance worked since I wanted to make the most of my life without worrying about money. I started focusing on the policies that I had in place and gradually moved towards acquiring new life insurance and the like. Having each of these coverages helped give both me and my spouse peace of mind. We both knew if something happened to me that the other would be okay. Check out this blog to learn more about insurance needs.