Service Bonds: Protect Your New Janitorial Business Now

Insurance Blog

If you recently started a small janitorial business in your community, ask an insurance company about janitorial service bonds soon. Janitorial service bonds protect the owners of janitorial companies from any unexpected caused by their employees, including theft and burglary. If you obtain service bonds for your business today, you can keep it safe later. Learn more about janitorial service bonds below. 

Why Do You Need Service Bonds?

Janitorial companies provide many critical services to retail stores, office complexes, and many other businesses around the United States. To ensure janitorial companies meet the needs of their clients, they hire a wide range of employees to do the jobs. However, not all employees are honest after you hire them. Some employees can steal valuable items from your clients. If you don't obtain service bonds for each of your employees, you may be liable for any crimes they commit against your clients.

Service bonds are special insurance policies that protect business owners from the criminal, careless, or neglectful actions of their employees. The policies guarantee customers and clients receive payment or compensation for any wrongs committed against them by an employee. 

Cleaning companies often obtain janitorial service bonds for their needs. The bonds allow you to cover most or all of the employees in your business, including new hires and temporary staff members.

You should obtain bonds for each of your employees as soon as you possibly can. Even if you complete criminal and employee background checks on your staff prior to hiring them, you still want to protect your clients and your business from any potential issues in the future. 

If possible, contact an insurance company online and secure the janitorial service bonds you need now.

Where Do You Obtain Your Service Bonds?

An insurance company will need to know how many employees you plan to cover now and in the future. The information helps determine the correct number of bonds you need to add to your policy. The information also determines the monthly amount you'll pay on your policy after you obtain it.

An insurance company may also ask you to complete an employer information sheet for them. Your bonds must contain the correct or right address, name, and contact number for your janitorial business. If you operate out of more than one building or use multiple business names for your company, inform an insurance company right away. A company can help you choose the correct information to place on your employer information sheet.

Learn more about janitorial services bonds by contacting an insurance provider now. 


13 February 2023

Understanding Insurance Policies

When I got married, I knew that there were a few things that I needed to learn about the way the world worked. For starters, I had to figure out how insurance worked since I wanted to make the most of my life without worrying about money. I started focusing on the policies that I had in place and gradually moved towards acquiring new life insurance and the like. Having each of these coverages helped give both me and my spouse peace of mind. We both knew if something happened to me that the other would be okay. Check out this blog to learn more about insurance needs.