You often hear how bankruptcy affects your credit cards and assets. However, what affects does it have on your auto insurance coverage? Bankruptcy does directly affect it since many auto insurance providers check your credit score. Below are a few insights on what to expect. Insurance Denial May Not Be Automatic First, it's important to note that simply having a bankruptcy on your credit report may not be enough to get a denial with an auto insurance provider.
20 April 2015
If you're looking for ways to optimize your car insurance and make it the best coverage you can get, check out this list of ways to come up with accurate mileage estimates for your insurers. Having a good estimate of how much you drive a vehicle per year is important -- it may not seem that important when you sign onto a policy, but it does come into play at claims time.
3 April 2015
Owning a home brings with it many responsibilities and liabilities. You need to protect your family, your property, and other people who could become injured on your property. For this reason, homeowners insurance is an important and essential part to owning a home. But, there are several items which may not be covered by your homeowners insurance, so you need to know what your insurance covers. Here are three items that are often not covered in your homeowners insurance policy.
1 April 2015
No one likes paying more for auto insurance than they have to, especially if they rarely file claims. If this is how you tend to feel, you might want to take a moment to read through the following tips and hints for cutting costs. Remember, the more advice you follow, the more likely you are to save a lot of money. Install Timeless Security Features You do not have to really worry about installing the newest security gadgets to get the discounts.
24 March 2015
A lapse in your auto insurance is when your vehicle doesn't have the minimum coverage required in your state. A lapse occurs after your coverage expires until you acquire new insurance. Lapses occur for many reasons like nonpayment, late payment, not renewing, or cancellations due to numerous traffic violations. If you find yourself in the middle of a car insurance lapse, follow the below four steps. 1. Contact Your Insurance Carrier
3 March 2015