How To Save Some Cash On Your Auto Insurance Policy

Insurance Blog

If you are fed up with paying too much for your auto insurance, it is about time that you do something about it. The more advice you make use of, the more likely it is that you are going to see a substantial amount of savings. To get you started in the right direction, you will want to begin with the following tips. Cancel The Towing Services Portion There are a lot of people that will purchase their own emergency roadside assistance membership because of all of the benefits that come with it.

31 December 2016

Lesser-Known Auto Insurance Discounts

Insurance Blog

Everyone wants to pay less for car insurance. With the high costs of car payments, maintenance, and gas, car owners understandably look for ways to cut corners on their car insurance. What you never want to do is skimp on coverage, or you will regret it in the event of a car accident. According to the Insurance Information Institute, millions of people are injured every year in automobile accidents, and uninsured drivers could face financial ruin because of the lack of protection if an accident occurs.

24 December 2016

Things To Consider When Determining How Much Home Insurance Coverage You Need

Insurance Blog

Whether you are just now shopping for a home owners insurance policy for the first time or you are trying to make sure that your current policy is enough, there are some things that you are going to have to take into consideration. The Structure When determining the amount of coverage you need for the structure itself, there are a few things that you have to remember. You do not include the cost of the land.

22 December 2016

How To Effectively Restore Your Driver's License After It's Been Revoked

Insurance Blog

After a driver's license revocation, it can feel like the end of the world. You are limited to where you can go and how you can get there. When your personal freedom and ability to get to work is in jeopardy, you need to do everything you can to get your driver's license reinstated and regain your driving privileges. Here is how to effectively restore your license and ability to drive.

21 December 2016

Employers, Drug Testing, And Workers Compensation: What You Need To Know

Insurance Blog

Many employers feel that it is their duty and their right to drug test their employees as appropriate. But before you begin drug testing your employees, you should be aware of the way that it could potentially impact your workers compensation insurance and OSHA requirements. Though regular or random drug testing policies may be ideal for your operations, there are a few things you might not realize. Universal Post-Accident Drug Testing Is Discouraged

21 December 2016

4 Reasons To Take Advantage Of Group Health Insurance

Insurance Blog

When it comes to obtaining health insurance, you basically have three options, which would be to obtain it through your employer, an individual plan, or the government if you qualify for special assistance. If you are able to obtain health insurance through your employer, this would be considered group health insurance. Here are four reasons why this is a great option:  Freedom to Leave:  Should you ever decide that you want to switch to a government based or individual health insurance plan because you are not happy with what the group insurance through your employer covers, you have the option to do this without having to pay any fees.

20 December 2016

3 Items Other Than Premiums and Coverages to Check When Getting Car Insurance

Insurance Blog

When shopping around for car insurance, it's important that you look at a policy's premiums and coverages. These aren't the only things you should check, though. Before you purchase a policy, make sure to take note of these items that sometimes receive less attention than rates. The Claims-Filing Time Frame Insurance policies delineate how policyholders can file claims and how long after an incident long policyholders have to do so. Time frames vary from insurer to insurer, and they can also differ from state to state and even depending on the type of claim.

30 November 2016

Keeping Your Home Insurance Rates Down While The Whole Family Is On Extended Vacation

Insurance Blog

Are you planning an extended vacation? If you are going to be away for several months, you should take precautions to ensure your house insurance premiums don't go through the roof. Insuring a vacant house is costly because of the increased risks it faces. The following measures will help you to keep the rates manageable: Get Someone to Stay In the House Don't leave the house vacant; let a short-time tenant or a relative stay in the house for the duration of your vacation.

29 November 2016

3 Things You Should Keep In Mind If You Are Ordered To Carry An SR22 Policy

Insurance Blog

An SR-22 is essentially a form that you can be ordered to carry by a judge if you've been a bad driver. This can happen after a severe violation or after committing multiple smaller infractions. Either way, if you are now living with the reality of an SR-22 on your record, it's important to understand what the document actually does so you can work to correct your driving in the future.

28 November 2016

Insurance Coverage For Christmas Gifts Stolen From Your Vehicle

Insurance Blog

Although auto insurance usually does not cover personal items, including holiday gifts that you have purchased that are stolen from your vehicle, your homeowners insurance may reimburse some of the loss. Generally, a home insurance policy that includes personal property insurance covers personal belongings against theft–whether the items are stolen from inside or away your home. Scenario: After purchasing a stack of holiday gifts for friends and family, you lock your stash in your vehicle for safe keeping while you go back to working your way down your gift list with free hands.

23 November 2016